The Health Funders Association NPC; The Medical Schemes Listed in Annexure A And Drs Du Buisson, Kramer, Swart, Bouwer Inc t/a Ampath; Drs Dietrich Voigt, Mia and Partners t/a Pathcare; Dr Mauff AC and Partners t/a Lancet Laboratories; Competition Commission
Case Number
Case type
Complaint Referral from Complainant
Case status
Pending Interlocutory Application
Other service activities
Sections of the act
4(1)(b)(i), 8(1)(a)
Case Name
Health Funder NPC And Drs Du Buisson and Others
The Health Funders Association NPC, The Medical Schemes Listed in Annexure A
Competition Commission, Drs Dietrich Voigt, Mia and Partners t/a Pathcare, Drs Du Buisson, Kramer, Swart, Bouwer Inc t/a Ampath, Dr Mauff AC and Partners t/a Lancet Laboratories