Decided cases

The dashboard below contains Competition Tribunal judgments which have been referred to the Competition Appeal Court, High Court, Supreme Court of Appeal and Constitutional Court. Select the court of interest and quickly locate the status of a particular case, click SEARCH and the dashboard will populate.

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Title Case# Parties Court Outcome Outcome Date Case File
Interlocutory Application CRP081Jul20/EXC115Aug20 AECI and Chemical Initiatives And Chemalum
Large Merger LM077Aug11 Resilient Llanga A Approved 2011-09-21 12:10:00 20111219093304705[1].pdf
Procedural Matter FFR128Feb09 PPG Coating South Africa (Pty) Ltd and C G Granted 2009-02-18 12:10:00 18XFeb09.pdf
Settlement Agreement CO031Jun11/SA045Jun11 CC SentraalSuid F Confirmed 2011-09-07 12:10:00 20110907 sentraal-suid co.pdf
Large Merger LM087Nov05 Business Venture Investments No. 951 Ltd A Approved 2006-01-11 12:10:00 110&111LMNov05..pdf
Intermediate Merger Reconsideration IM122Dec12 NUMSA Marley
Consent Order CO100Jul13 CC Wes F Confirmed 2013-08-14 12:10:00 WES ORDER_A0-629f3.PDF
Large Merger LM099Sep16 Redefine Properties And Pivotal Fund A Approved 2016-11-16 12:10:00 REDEFINE PROPERTIES LIMITED AND PIVOTAL FUND LIMITED_A0-dfe6a.pdf
Interim Relief IR028Aug01 Tepco Petroleum (Pty) Ltd v/s Sasol Limi
Interlocutory Application CR006May05/DSC206Dec15 Omnia and CC P Partly Granted 2016-03-02 12:10:00 CR006May05 - DSC206Dec15_A0-126c0.pdf
Large Merger LM112Jan09 Bidpaper Plus (Pty) Ltd C Approved Subject to Conditions 2009-05-14 12:10:00 03LMJan09.pdf
Large Merger LM002Apr24 General Atlantic Partners And Actis Holdings
Complaint Referral from Commission CR036Jul10 CC BA
Large Merger LM011May02 HFSA Investments BV and Hernic Ferrochro A Approved 2002-07-02 12:10:00 30LMMAY02.pdf
Interlocutory Application CR066Aug21/PIL200Oct21 Bell Equipment Ltd And CC
Interlocutory Application LM019May11/FTN031May13 Old Mutual Momentum G Granted 2013-06-12 12:10:00 20130612123823260_A0-9b73a.pdf
Settlement Agreement CR092Oct12/SA204Feb15 CC Western Granite F Confirmed 2015-03-18 12:10:00 020750_A0-3bd08.pdf
Large Merger LM028Jan00 Vodacom Group (Pty) Ltd and GSM Cellular A Approved 2000-01-26 12:10:00 10LMNOV99.pdf
Large Merger LM038Jun12 Momentum Momentum Insurance A Approved 2012-07-31 12:10:00 20120903124838177_A0-60136.pdf
Large Merger LM201Jan17 Huawei Technologies And Growthpoint Properties A Approved 2017-02-15 12:10:00 LM201JAN17 Reasons_A0-9362e.pdf

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