Decided cases

The dashboard below contains Competition Tribunal judgments which have been referred to the Competition Appeal Court, High Court, Supreme Court of Appeal and Constitutional Court. Select the court of interest and quickly locate the status of a particular case, click SEARCH and the dashboard will populate.

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Title Case# Parties Court Outcome Outcome Date Case File
Large Merger LM055Sep10 Daybreak Farms (Pty) Ltd and Rossgro Chi A Approved 2010-11-03 12:10:00 57LMSep10.pdf
Complaint Referral from High Court CRH154Mar13 NNPR Uniplate
Small Merger Review SMR112Aug13 Lexshell Nomad C Approved Subject to Conditions 2014-04-01 12:10:00 2014-04-01-LexshellNomad-MediaRelease.pdf
Large Merger LM064Oct10 Atterbury Investment Holdings Limited an A Approved 2010-11-03 12:10:00 65LMOct10.pdf
Interlocutory Application CRP065Jul13/STA009Apr14 CMS SAPA G Granted 2014-12-01 12:10:00 018580. 018598. 018788 (017160.017152)_A0-27fb0.pdf
Large Merger LM074Nov04 Clover Fonterra Ingredients (Pty) Ltd an C Approved Subject to Conditions 92LMNov04.pdf
Interlocutory Application EXT021Dec99 Ex parte application by Competition Comm G Granted
Large Merger LM085Jan07 Newco 1 and Peermont Global Ltd and Mara A Approved 2007-03-15 12:10:00 01LMJan07.pdf
Intermediate Merger Reconsideration IM077Aug16 Italtile and Ceramic Industries C Approved Subject to Conditions 2017-08-21 12:10:00 Italtile IM077Aug16 Final Non-Confidential_A0-b9744.pdf
Interim Relief IR007Oct99 Botswana Ash (Pty) G Granted 2001-03-27 12:10:00 07IROct99 and 15IRDec99.pdf
Large Merger LM109Oct11 Redefine FNB Pension A Approved 2011-12-13 12:10:00 20111221 reasons.tif
Complaint Referral from Commission CR028Jul10 CC Giuricich
Large Merger LM123Feb08 Newco and Squires Food (Pty) Ltd A Approved 2008-04-09 12:10:00 22LMFeb08.pdf
Large Merger LM009May02 Santam Limited and Allianz Risk Transfer A Approved 2002-05-29 12:10:00 28LMMAY02.pdf
Settlement Agreement CR057Dec09/SA106Feb11 CC Aveng F Confirmed 2011-04-06 12:10:00 20110406 CCAveng CO.pdf
Large Merger LM018Apr08 Tata Motors Limited And Jaguar Land Rove A Approved 2015-06-30 12:10:00 46LMApr08.pdf
Settlement Agreement CR087Mar10/SA115Jul17 CC And Brenner Mills F Confirmed 2017-08-02 12:10:00 CR087Mar10 - SA115Jul17_A0-a42ba.pdf
Large Merger LM026May12 DHN Sedibeng A Approved 2012-07-18 12:10:00 20120808150724134_A0-f0768.pdf
Complaint Referral from Commission CR167Sep17 CC And Hoegh Holdings (Daimler)
Interlocutory Application LM196Mar23/CNF172Feb24 Vitol Emerald Bidco And CC and Puma Energy

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