Decided cases

The dashboard below contains Competition Tribunal judgments which have been referred to the Competition Appeal Court, High Court, Supreme Court of Appeal and Constitutional Court. Select the court of interest and quickly locate the status of a particular case, click SEARCH and the dashboard will populate.

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Title Case# Parties Court Outcome Outcome Date Case File
Complaint Referral from Commission CR192Oct18 CC And Totalgaz Southern Africa and Others E Not Contravened 2023-06-29 12:10:00 Totalgaz Reasons Final (Signed).pdf
Large Merger LM172Jan22 Super Group Dealership And Arnold Chatz Cars A Approved 2022-04-12 12:10:00 Order - Unconditional Merger Approval LM172Jan22.pdf
Large Merger LM181Feb22 Okavango Biology Luxembourg SARL And Sonnedix Solar SA A Approved 2022-04-11 12:10:00 PUBLIC Order and Reasons - Okavango Luxembourg And Sonnedix (LM181Feb22).pdf
Interlocutory Application IM139Dec21/INT179Feb22 Harmony Gold Mining CO And Draslovka Holdings A.S and Sasol SA Ltd G Granted 2022-04-05 12:10:00
Interlocutory Application CR152Feb20/DSC109Oct21 CC And PRASA and Autopax
Interlocutory Application IM139Dec21/INT180Feb22 Sibanye Stillwater And Draslovka Holdings A.S And Sasol SA Ltd G Granted 2022-04-05 12:10:00
Interlocutory Application IM139Dec21/INT182Feb22 Pan African Resources And Draslovka Holdings A.S and Sasol SA Ltd G Granted 2022-04-05 12:10:00
Large Merger LM170Jan22 Magnesium Bidco And Mimecast C Approved Subject to Conditions 2022-04-07 12:10:00 PUBLIC Order, MCC, LM170Jan22.pdf
Large Merger LM120Nov21 Swanvest 120 And Indwe Broker Holdings C Approved Subject to Conditions 2022-04-08 12:10:00 Order-Conditional Approval LM120Nov21 (signed).pdf
Large Merger LM171Jan22 Synergy Investment Partnership And Synergy Contact Centre A Approved 2022-04-05 12:10:00 Order - Unconditional Merger Approval LM171Jan22.pdf
Large Merger LM156Dec21 Impala Platinum Holdings And Royal Bafokeng Platinum C Approved Subject to Conditions 2022-11-16 12:10:00 PUBLIC Order - Implats And RBPlat LM156Dec21 (16112022).pdf
Large Merger LM177Feb22 Dis-Chem Distribution And CT Distribution Centre and KZN Warehouse A Approved 2022-03-30 12:10:00 2022-03-30-DisChem-CT-KZNwarehouse-Merger-MediaRelease.html
Complaint Referral from Commission CR192Oct18 CC And Totalgaz Southern Africa and Others E Not Contravened 2023-06-29 12:10:00 Totalgaz Reasons Final (Signed).pdf
Complaint Referral from Commission CR192Oct18 CC And Totalgaz Southern Africa and Others E Not Contravened 2023-06-29 12:10:00 Totalgaz Reasons Final (Signed).pdf
Interlocutory Application LM001Apr20/VAR184Feb22 Senwesbel Ltd and Suidwes Holdings (Pty) Ltd And CC G Granted 2022-03-16 12:10:00
Large Merger LM123Nov21 Sinosteel Group Corporation And Deen Holdings Corporation C Approved Subject to Conditions 2022-03-16 12:10:00 2022-03-17-Sinosteel-Deen-Merger-MediaRelease.html
Large Merger LM114Nov21 ETG Chem FZE LLC And Cure-Chem SA C Approved Subject to Conditions 2022-03-16 12:10:00 PUBLIC - Order- ETG Chem FZE LLC and Cure-Chem LM114Nov21.pdf
Large Merger LM151Dec21 Shoprite Checkers And Main Street 1883 A Approved 2022-03-15 12:10:00 (Public) Order and reasons LM151Dec21.pdf
Large Merger LM128Nov21 UBI General Partner And CSG Holdings A Approved 2022-03-14 12:10:00 UBI General Partner LM128Nov21.pdf
Large Merger LM149Dec21 SKG Properties Fund And Redefine Properties A Approved 2022-03-14 12:10:00 2022-03-14-SKG-Redefine-Merger-MediaRelease.html

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