Decided cases

The dashboard below contains Competition Tribunal judgments which have been referred to the Competition Appeal Court, High Court, Supreme Court of Appeal and Constitutional Court. Select the court of interest and quickly locate the status of a particular case, click SEARCH and the dashboard will populate.

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Title Case# Parties Court Outcome Outcome Date Case File
Large Merger LM215Oct17 Sasol Mining And Anglo American Inyosi Coal A Approved 2017-12-06 12:10:00 LM215Oct17 Non-Confidential_A0-e3d99.pdf
Large Merger LM051Nov09 Friedshelf 1058 (Pty) Ltd and A Approved 2010-01-20 12:10:00 80LMNov09.pdf
Complaint Referral from Commission CR248Mar16 CC and Zara Cleaning Services
Large Merger LM296Mar18 Investec Bank And Growthpoint Properties A Approved 2018-03-22 12:10:00 Investec and Growthpoint Reasons - LM296Mar18_A0-3d4a1.pdf
Large Merger LM060Sep05 Super Group Dealerships A Approved 2005-09-29 12:10:00 85LMSep05.pdf
Complaint Referral from Complainant CRP035Jul07 Chris Pearson Properties CC Brad Pearson
Large Merger LM070Feb01 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft AG and Atecs A Approved 2001-03-28 12:10:00 06LMFEB01.pdf
Complaint Referral from Complainant CRP148Dec23 Glenmore Capital SA And NHLS
Interlocutory Application LM081Aug11/INT150Dec11 Actom Savcio G Granted 2012-01-13 12:10:00
Large Merger LM091Nov07 Sabido Investments (Pty) Ltd and Sasani A Approved 2008-03-06 12:10:00 124LMNov07.pdf
Interlocutory Application IM161Feb12/DSC009Apr12 Senmin and Cellulose
Consent Order CO160Dec14 CC Vlaming F Confirmed 2015-02-18 12:10:00 Consent Order - 020313_A0-3a6b2.pdf
Interim Relief IR103Feb11 Bedford Liberty
Large Merger LM006Apr08 Altron Finance (Pty) Ltd and Aeromaritim A Approved 2008-06-04 12:10:00 33LMApr08.pdf
Interlocutory Application CR047Aug10/PIL144Nov14 Ben Jacobs CC
Large Merger LM131Feb09 Federated Timbers (Pty)Ltd t/a Builders A Approved 2009-05-21 12:10:00 21LMFeb09 .pdf
Large Merger LM014May06 Linde Aktiengesellschaft and the BOC Gro A Approved 2006-08-02 12:10:00 40LMMay06.pdf
Interlocutory Application CR077Feb04/DSC130Jan11 CC and Telkom
Interlocutory Application LM148Dec21/DSC166Feb24 CC And MTN
Large Merger LM022May13 Grindrod RRL A Approved 2013-07-16 12:10:00 20130802131733552_A0-41276.pdf

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