Amalgamated Metals Recycling (Pty) Ltd ; Abeddac Metals (Pty) Ltd; Nikkel Trading 33 (Pty) Ltd; Maverick 29 Business Management (Pty) Ltd; Cayo Largo Holdings 17 CC; India Steel (Pty) Ltd ; Universal Recycling (Pty) Ltd and Reclamation Holdings (Pty) Ltd; Oakleaf Investment Holdings 108 (Pty) Ltd t/a The Melt Shop (Pty) Ltd; The International Trade Administration Commission of SA
Case Number
Case type
Interim Relief
Case status
Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products
Relevant market
Sale of scrap metal
Wholesale and retail trade - repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Sections of the act
5(1), 8(c)
Case Name
Amalgamated Reclamation
Maverick 29 Business Management (Pty) Ltd, Cayo Largo Holdings 17 CC, Amalgamated Metals Recycling (Pty) Ltd, Abeddac Metals (Pty) Ltd, Nikkel Trading 33 (Pty) Ltd, India Steel (Pty) Ltd, Universal Recycling (Pty) Ltd
Reclamation Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Oakleaf Investment Holdings 108 (Pty) Ltd t/a The Melt Shop (Pty) Ltd, The International Trade Administration Commission of SA