Gemgrow Properties Ltd And ERF 266 In Respect of the Property Letting Enterprise Known As Checkers Centre, the Solly Noor Trust In Respect of the Property Letting Enterprises Known As Legal Air Board Building, Hawana Noor Centre, Foschini Building, Total Sports Building, PEP Stores Building and ABSA Building and Solly Noor Properties In Respect of the Property Letting Enterprises Known As the Shoprite Centre and the Noor Centre.
Case Number
Case type
Large Merger
Type of merger
Case status
Reasons Issued
Order date
Competition Tribunal Members
Yasmin Carrim, Fiona Tregenna, Enver Daniels
Real estate activities with own or leased properties
Relevant market
Provision of retail and Grade B office space for rental
Real estate activities
Case File
Case File 2
Case Name
Gemgrow And ERF 266
Primary Acquiring Firm
Gemgrow Properties Ltd
Primary Target Firm
ERF 266 In Respect of Multiple Property Letting Enterprises