IPS Investments (Pty) Ltd and Old Mutual Life Assurance Company (SA) Ltd in Respect of 50% of Vuselele Investments (Pty) Ltd
Case Number
Case type
Large Merger
Procedural matter
Case status
Reasons Issued
Order date
29-01-2014 12:10 PM
Competition Tribunal Members
Norman Manoim, Yasmin Carrim, Takalani Madima
Real estate activities with own or leased land
Relevant market
Market for the provision of rentable residential property, Market for rentable convenience centers, Market for Rentable Office Space
Real estate activities
Case File
Case Name
Old Mutual life and IPS Investment
Primary Acquiring Firm
IPS Investments (Pty) Ltd
Primary Target Firm
Old Mutual Life Assurance CompA) Ltd in Respect of 50% of Vuselela Investments