The South African Batteries Importers Association; Hudaco Trading (Pty) Ltd t/a Deltec Power Distributors; Hudaco Trading (Pty) t/a Specialised Battery Systems; Enertec Batteries (Pty) Ltd; Probe Corporation South Africa (Pty) Ltd; Tiauto (Pty) Ltd t/a YSA And The South African Battery Manufacturers Association
Case Number
Case type
Interlocutory Application
Procedural matter
Other Procedural Matter
Case status
Settled between parties
Competition Tribunal Members
Anton Roskam, Imraan Valodia, Medi Mokuena
Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
Relevant market
Manufacture and supply of car batteries
Case Name
SABIA and Five Others And SABMA
Hudaco Trading (Pty) Ltd t/a Deltec Power Distributors, Hudaco Trading (Pty) Ltd t/a Specialised Battery Systems, Enertec Batteries (Pty) Ltd, Probe Corporation South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Tiauto (Pty) Ltd t/a YSA, The South African Batteries Importers Association
The South African Battery Manufacturers Association