The Competition Tribunal - Appointed Member | Anisa Kessery, Tribunal Member (acting part-time)

Mr Geoff Budlender SC

Tribunal Member (acting part-time)

BA LLB (Cape Town), LL D (hc) (Cape Town)

Geoff Budlender SC is an experienced advocate practicing in Cape Town. He specialises in the areas of constitutional law, including human rights and administrative law and other aspects of public law. He has extensive litigation experience in the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court of Appeal, High Courts and Land Claims Court. He has acted as a High Court judge in Johannesburg and Cape Town. He is well known for his work as a human rights advocate. He co-founded the Legal Resources Centre in 1979 and worked on landmark cases including the abolishment of the death penalty in South Africa and the nationwide roll-out of antiretroviral medication. In 2021 he was awarded the International Bar Association Pro Bono Award for providing high impact pro bono services in defending human rights over the course of his 45-year career in the law.