Seaboard Overseas Trading and Shipping Pty Ltd and The Oilseed Business of The Atlas Trading and Shipping Division of Grinrod Trading Pty Ltd; and The Atlas Trading Division of Grindrod Trading Asia PTE Ltd
Case Number
Case type
Large Merger
Case status
Reasons Issued
Order date
Competition Tribunal Members
Anton Roskam, Imraan Valodia, Medi Mokuena
Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals
Relevant market
1. the market for the trading of soybean meal nationally (including imports); and 2. the market for the trading of sunflower pellets nationally (including imports).
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Case File
Case Name
Seabord Oilseed
Primary Acquiring Firm
Seaboard Overseas Trading and Shipping Pty Ltd
Primary Target Firm
the Oilseed Besiness of the Atlas Trading and Shipping Division