Decided cases

The dashboard below contains Competition Tribunal judgments which have been referred to the Competition Appeal Court, High Court, Supreme Court of Appeal and Constitutional Court. Select the court of interest and quickly locate the status of a particular case, click SEARCH and the dashboard will populate.

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Title Case# Parties Court Outcome Outcome Date Case File
Large Merger LM106Sep16 Growthpoint And Romeo Properties A Approved 2016-10-12 12:10:00 LM106Sep16_A0-d7bf3.pdf
Settlement Agreement CR049Jul12/SA073Aug14 CC SaloojeeCycles F Confirmed 2014-10-15 12:10:00 CC & Salojee\'s Cycles CC_A0-9c1e0.pdf
Large Merger LM134Oct16 EOH Mthombo (Pty) Ltd And Mars Holdings (Pty) Ltd A Approved 2016-11-30 12:10:00 EOH Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Mars Holdings (Pty) Ltd_A0-6df05.pdf
Large Merger LM016Apr17 EOH Industrial Technologies And Powertech System Intergrators A Approved 2017-07-26 12:10:00 Reasons for Decision - EOH Industrial Technologies and Powertech System Intergrators - LM016Apr17_A0-b95ab.pdf
Complaint Referral from Commission CR084Aug16 CC And Natal Witness Publishing and Caxton
Large Merger LM150Dec14 Investec Investec A Approved 2015-02-25 12:10:00 020214_A0-6c48b.pdf
Large Merger LM024Dec99 Tiger Foods Industries Ltd and Quadrant A Approved 2000-01-14 12:10:00 11LMNOV99.pdf
Large Merger LM034Jul10 Imperial Holdings Limited and Orcom Trad A Approved 2010-08-25 12:10:00 40LMJul10.pdf
Interlocutory Application CR154Oct11/REM144Sep15 CC Media24 G Granted 2016-09-06 12:10:00 CR154Oct11 - REM144Sep15_A0-77db8.pdf
Large Merger LM192Feb14 Pareto Fountainhead A Approved 2014-03-12 12:10:00 018481_A0-b12b5.pdf
Large Merger LM043Feb00 Ceramic Industries Ltd The Vitro Punched A Approved 2000-05-03 12:10:00 18LMFEB00.pdf
Interlocutory Application CR212Feb17/DSC108Aug20 Investec And CC
Large Merger LM237Feb16 AFGRI Operations and Pride Milling Company C Approved Subject to Conditions 2016-07-13 12:10:00 courtrollout13July16_A0-78187.docx
Large Merger LM056Dec03 Nedbank Limited and Retail Brands Intera A Approved 2004-01-21 12:10:00 71LMDec03.pdf
Complaint Referral from Complainant CRP003Apr15 Afrocentric Health and Discovery Health E Not Contravened CRP003Apr15 - EXC265May15 - EXC266May15_A0-7c54e.pdf
Procedural Matter STA125Mar11 Monsanto and Bowman M Dismissed 2011-06-09 12:10:00 20120124131602312.pdf
Large Merger LM065Aug14 Telkom Business Connexion C Approved Subject to Conditions 2015-08-04 12:10:00 LM065Aug14_A0-aefa4.pdf
Complaint Referral from Complainant CRP066Jul13 CMS SCSSA
Large Merger LM074Sep08 Hulamin Operations (Pty) Ltd and Hulett- A Approved 2008-11-26 12:10:00 101LMSep08.pdf
Procedural Matter EXT043Jun20 Chemalum And AECI and Chemical Initiatives G Granted 2020-06-29 12:10:00 Chemalum_Order (Ext043Jun20.pdf

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